What is a FODMAP?
FODMAPs are Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols. To put it simply, they are a collection of sugars that the body doesn't absorb properly, leading to different symptoms in different people in the form of IBS.
The gut is made up of billions of bacteria and each person has a different personal combination. The FODMAP diet can help to relieve the symptoms of IBS but I urge caution - IBS should only be diagnosed by a medical professional.
So let's break it down a bit further:
- Oligosaccharides = Fructans and Galacto-Oligosaccharides (GOS) - these are found in foods such as garlic, onion, wheat, rye, legumes & pulses.
- Disaccharides = Lactose - this is found in dairy products such as milk, yoghurts & soft cheeses (hard cheeses are OK, yay!).
- Monosaccharides = Fructose - this is found in honey, high fructose corn syrup & naturally in many fruits such as apples and pears (Pro tip: glucose can help with the absorption of fructose so glucose-fructose syrup is OK for most).
- Polyols = Sorbitol & Mannitol - these are found in artificial sweeteners and in some fruit & veg
I highly recommend using the Monash University's Fodmap app - yes, it's a paid app but it is absolutely worth it. It breaks down different foods to show which are high- or low-fodmap.